2/5/07 - Haven't posted for a while, much going on.
So, I haven't posted for a while, not because of nothing new happening - rather because too much is happening!
First and foremost, we lost another first responder. NYPD Officer Borja passed away. I write his name this way because this hero has passed in the line of duty. No matter how the department and or city choose to recognize this - the people who where there, consider this to be a LODD (line of duty death - for those who don't speak 'civil service'). We as an organization, and as part of the larger 9/11 First Responder Family, attended this brave man's wake. It was in a word, heartbreaking. The emotion was so thick; grown men - police officers, firefighters, construction workers were all swept up in it. But in another word - hope was there. I saw a boy, who days before was a child grown into a man. Step up and be the steady role for his family. Not devoid of emotion, but knowing when others needed him to be strong for them. I saw family, not just biological family, but PD, FD, people who were 'strangers' come together in a way very reminiscent of 9/11 because; as a whole we were suffering together again.
From there, I witnessed this boy go and speak his mind and the desperate needs to the most powerful man in the country. I watched and read as he took my hopes and dreams with him, begging that people like me not be ignored anymore. I realized that this boy, when he should be grieving, was picking up for all of us. I realized, with tears in my eyes, that this boy represented salvation for us. Even if his pleas fall on deaf ears, someone took the time when tragedy had struck so close, to advocate for others. When things get bad, that is what is missing - hope. This boy has restored a glimmer of that. God Bless him. His courage has sparked others to not give up, to fight harder. Is success a given? Not yet. But its a start. And with every breath I have, I will make sure that this fight does not die.
As for health, it continues to decline. Today is the entry where it has reached its worst, it has become too cold to breathe. I cannot be outside and breathe. Exertion has become increasingly more difficult. I pray that this is 'somewhat' seasonal and that in between not being able to breathe because it is too hot, and not being able to breathe because it is too cold - there will be some relief. The gift nebulizer has been amazing, allowing me to travel from point-to-point and get relief. Either way, I do not have the time for this to paralyze me - as we are in a point where momentum is starting to build for some positive change. Stay tuned!
First and foremost, we lost another first responder. NYPD Officer Borja passed away. I write his name this way because this hero has passed in the line of duty. No matter how the department and or city choose to recognize this - the people who where there, consider this to be a LODD (line of duty death - for those who don't speak 'civil service'). We as an organization, and as part of the larger 9/11 First Responder Family, attended this brave man's wake. It was in a word, heartbreaking. The emotion was so thick; grown men - police officers, firefighters, construction workers were all swept up in it. But in another word - hope was there. I saw a boy, who days before was a child grown into a man. Step up and be the steady role for his family. Not devoid of emotion, but knowing when others needed him to be strong for them. I saw family, not just biological family, but PD, FD, people who were 'strangers' come together in a way very reminiscent of 9/11 because; as a whole we were suffering together again.
From there, I witnessed this boy go and speak his mind and the desperate needs to the most powerful man in the country. I watched and read as he took my hopes and dreams with him, begging that people like me not be ignored anymore. I realized that this boy, when he should be grieving, was picking up for all of us. I realized, with tears in my eyes, that this boy represented salvation for us. Even if his pleas fall on deaf ears, someone took the time when tragedy had struck so close, to advocate for others. When things get bad, that is what is missing - hope. This boy has restored a glimmer of that. God Bless him. His courage has sparked others to not give up, to fight harder. Is success a given? Not yet. But its a start. And with every breath I have, I will make sure that this fight does not die.
As for health, it continues to decline. Today is the entry where it has reached its worst, it has become too cold to breathe. I cannot be outside and breathe. Exertion has become increasingly more difficult. I pray that this is 'somewhat' seasonal and that in between not being able to breathe because it is too hot, and not being able to breathe because it is too cold - there will be some relief. The gift nebulizer has been amazing, allowing me to travel from point-to-point and get relief. Either way, I do not have the time for this to paralyze me - as we are in a point where momentum is starting to build for some positive change. Stay tuned!