6/27/07 - Politics at its absolute worst
So I have been reduced, by the weather mainly but also this exacerbation, to spending all non-essential moments sitting of the sofa in front of the Air Conditioner. Believe me, if they didn't award a Nobel Prize to the lady or gent who invented air conditioning - I want to put in the paperwork myself. This device is literally saving my life. Outside of the AC, I am relegated to wandering around (well more like shuffle due to the speed or lack there of), coughing, wheezing and sputtering like that old Chevy Nova I used to drive. However - if I try to relax and remain still in the air conditioning; I can keep the coughing down to as much as possible. One problem with this would be finding people around me to identify this large difference and use some common sense in respecting that. However, that is the stuff of a completely different ranting post altogether. Back to the title - politics at its worst!
I have been watching, with great interest as these congressional hearings are taking place regarding the air quality at Ground Zero on and just after September 11, 2001. Fascinating stuff, really! Because they are devoting time and money into a dog and pony show to affix blame, show that they are 'addressing' problem, and overall trying to get to the bottom of this mess. In my opinion - 100% bullshit. They are showing Ms Whitman in the "hot seat" as they call it (leaving me to wonder who dubbed this the hot seat? last time they showed her, she was breathing just fine - that's more than I can say about me and my friends! so how HOT exactly is this seat? must be a figurative hot. because when you fight for every breath - this crap must be put into perspective). She and the committees banter about, while people testify how their health is ruined and they haven't been well a day since 9/11 (mind you these are the people that we need to pay attention to). The media and politicians, point the finger at her - she points the finger at the terrorists and other politicians (camera pans to gallery and these people are still sick and dying)!
Would SOMEONE please tell me what this accomplishes? Even if they get this woman to stand on her chair, raise both her arms in the air, and yell "I lied! And I did it to fucking KILL all these good people!"My lungs will not heal! My buddies tumors will not go away! People will continue to die! But, this is the minor part of the problem, because THEN I see the people that are politically active in the charities on TV getting swept up in allllll the bullshit! Intelligent people being interviewed, giving the verbal equivalent of 'off with their heads' at a French Revolution fiesta. And now I know why we will die en mass while the people who are supposed to protect us - fiddle as Nero did.
What we need here is action directed towards making the future different from the present, and the past. We need for the ill to be identified, and then placed under the auspices of one central agency. In looking over what is currently in place, just considering the two most notable groups (NYPD, FDNY) the two have different benefits and they all got sick from the same place! Once you radiate away from the 'big 2' what hope is there that the other exposure victims will have anything better? The answer is - one way, designate an agency to follow and treat these people, smart money says that neither the city nor state would have the funds or logistics to be able to do this - that leaves the federal government (oddly enough, the same ones that are engaged in major league finger pointing right now and not doing a damned thing about getting this 'agency' off the ground). So how would this work? Well they have a system in place for the people that served their country and can get medical care already, its called the V.A. and I hope to God any new systems don't look anything like it - because it just don't work. So perhaps by looking at the need, and taking into consideration a model that does not work particularly well - these people that are supposed to represent us and protect us can design some system that can save us!
Otherwise........I'd like to ask the circus to fold up its tent and stop wasting my time, because I have precious little of it. Save your grandstanding please, save your scapegoat, get behind some closed doors and put together something of use instead of flapping your arms and making a lot of empty noise.
I have been watching, with great interest as these congressional hearings are taking place regarding the air quality at Ground Zero on and just after September 11, 2001. Fascinating stuff, really! Because they are devoting time and money into a dog and pony show to affix blame, show that they are 'addressing' problem, and overall trying to get to the bottom of this mess. In my opinion - 100% bullshit. They are showing Ms Whitman in the "hot seat" as they call it (leaving me to wonder who dubbed this the hot seat? last time they showed her, she was breathing just fine - that's more than I can say about me and my friends! so how HOT exactly is this seat? must be a figurative hot. because when you fight for every breath - this crap must be put into perspective). She and the committees banter about, while people testify how their health is ruined and they haven't been well a day since 9/11 (mind you these are the people that we need to pay attention to). The media and politicians, point the finger at her - she points the finger at the terrorists and other politicians (camera pans to gallery and these people are still sick and dying)!
Would SOMEONE please tell me what this accomplishes? Even if they get this woman to stand on her chair, raise both her arms in the air, and yell "I lied! And I did it to fucking KILL all these good people!"
What we need here is action directed towards making the future different from the present, and the past. We need for the ill to be identified, and then placed under the auspices of one central agency. In looking over what is currently in place, just considering the two most notable groups (NYPD, FDNY) the two have different benefits and they all got sick from the same place! Once you radiate away from the 'big 2' what hope is there that the other exposure victims will have anything better? The answer is - one way, designate an agency to follow and treat these people, smart money says that neither the city nor state would have the funds or logistics to be able to do this - that leaves the federal government (oddly enough, the same ones that are engaged in major league finger pointing right now and not doing a damned thing about getting this 'agency' off the ground). So how would this work? Well they have a system in place for the people that served their country and can get medical care already, its called the V.A. and I hope to God any new systems don't look anything like it - because it just don't work. So perhaps by looking at the need, and taking into consideration a model that does not work particularly well - these people that are supposed to represent us and protect us can design some system that can save us!
Otherwise........I'd like to ask the circus to fold up its tent and stop wasting my time, because I have precious little of it. Save your grandstanding please, save your scapegoat, get behind some closed doors and put together something of use instead of flapping your arms and making a lot of empty noise.
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