12/8/06 - I need to take my own advice....
I spent an entire post before ranting about how physicians treating people exposed to the toxicity of the WTC need to 'let go' of whatever that know about 'normal' people medicine and start over. I should have listened to my own advice.
I have spent much time speaking to people regarding my condition and what I am going through. Most of this is in an effort to raise awareness and give people almost a walking 'call-to-action' if you will. I figure that if this 'sick rescue worker' epidemic has a face, especially one they know, then more people will be likely to help out. And it has worked, a lot of my friends and relatives have not known how many people were suffering and exactly to what extent. After speaking with me , they seem to have a better idea. This also prompts them to ask "what can I do?" Which allows me to funnel them towards either our charity or one of a number of organizations that are doing great work, but need funds or bodies to carry out their mission. (by the way in case anyone was wondering; that's why I'm writing this blog).
In some cases however, people tend to get that 'poor puppy dog look" in their eyes and that drives me nuts. But alas, its a numbers game; if I can speak to 20 people and have 3 look at me with pity, 3 walk away unaffected - that still leaves me with 14 people that want to help. I like those numbers. Some well meaning people however take it upon themselves to be hands-on in my treatment. I've gotten numerous suggestions to homeopathic remedies, alternative treatment options and things they think will help. In fairness to all of these people; I research out everything people tell me and some things I have either incorporated into my regime and others I have not. One of these helpful-hints arrived at my door the other day in the form of a gift.
Someone who saw our charity and works for a company that specializes in herbal remedies as well as purification systems, sent me a very expensive air purifier as a gift. I was truly touched. The machine was accompanied by a letter telling me that their children were bad asthmatics and after they had gotten the machine in their home, the asthma got much better. So unlike the pills and drinks people have been suggesting to me, I decided to hook the machine up without any research beyond the manufactures site. I mean, with RADs, one of the triggers is allergens - so removing the allergens would be a good thing. I called the person up to offer a heartfelt thank you and they walked me through the set-up process.
I chose the bedroom to set the machine up in. I don't really spend too much time in one particular room of the house, but figure I try to be in bed for at least 8 hours a day, plus I have a hard time sleeping anyway - maybe this will help. Several factors made this air purifier seem like a real good idea, first I live in a building that has been around for a while. Old walls, poor ventilation, drying steam heat. Second, I live by a 'transportation hub' that has the full compliment of cars, busses and trains going by 24 hours a day. All this contributes to a higher than normal levels of dust inside. So I hook this sucker up according to my instructions and feel that I'm doing one more thing to manage this condition.
After the first night I woke up, not having slept any better and my throat was kinda soar, but figured the steam heat was the culprit. Went about my day and attributed the kinda-worse shortness of breath to the drop in temperature. The second morning I woke up, I knew something was wrong. First thing my other-half says to me is "my throat is killing me and I think I'm getting a cold", which may have been the explanation except that not only was my throat killing me - but my lungs were on fire. Every breath I took in burned, I headed straight for the nebulizer and the first few inhalations were excruciating. After a while the nebulizer began to hurt less and I could breathe better, but throughout the day, the burning would return shortly after my treatment. This set me off looking for what this machine was doing that was causing this reaction. (This was the one new variable that was causing discomfort in both people in the house)
So after a quick hit back to the company website to find out the advertised mechanism, I began to learn how these purifiers work. According to the site, the machine works by "combining high intensity UVX light with a specially developed rare metal hydrophilic coating on an engineered matrix, Radiant Catalytic Ionization (RCI) reduces airborne contaminants, and odors while creating super oxide ions and hydro-peroxides. These products of our Advanced Oxidation Process continue working to reduce more odors and VOC's, and to attack micro-organisms." All of this sounds very high tech and wonderful, plus there are loads of testimonials on the site. Now I know, some are reading along shaking their heads - but the kicker to this machine is that I know people who use this exact same machine and swear by it. So its something in the way that this is set up, because my other-half was affected by this as well (meaning its not just me).
So looking deeper into this process, I find that this 'super oxide ion' is ozone which is a toxic gas. Ok all of a sudden this machine seems like a really bad idea. Why would anyone use them? But more realistically, why do people that I know use and love them? So I start to look at differences between these people and me, first thing that jumps out, I have bad lungs. That's primary but not the most important. What is most important is that the people that I know who use these all have actual houses and/or businesses - all places with a lot more spaces than my typical NYC apartment. According to the donor when they walked me through the set-up the machine was set to its 'lowest' setting. This setting is to purify 250 sqft. My bedroom isn't 250 sqft, hell this is NYC - some apartments aren't 250 sqft. So the machine has been shut down.
What I learned from this was simple, I have reached that point where things that seem like a good idea on the basis of 'circumstantial evidence' I'm grasping at in an attempt to get better quicker. In this attempt I may have made things worse. I need to be more careful, my lungs still burn. As for those people reading this because your in a similar situation to myself, or were considering an air purifier, I will pass on the benefit of my research.
There is nothing wrong with these units, many people swear by them - but as the old saying Caveat emptor (let the buyer beware) states, know everything about the machine your purchasing. Space seems to be the primary concern, most of the better units purify areas from 250-3000 sqft. In machines that use any 'ionic technology' the by-product is ozone - and unlike an AC unit, more is not better. They also have machines that do not put out ozone, so maybe look into one of those. Health also plays a consideration, ozone is more likely to bother you if you have reduced lung function - so keep that in mind.
I have spent much time speaking to people regarding my condition and what I am going through. Most of this is in an effort to raise awareness and give people almost a walking 'call-to-action' if you will. I figure that if this 'sick rescue worker' epidemic has a face, especially one they know, then more people will be likely to help out. And it has worked, a lot of my friends and relatives have not known how many people were suffering and exactly to what extent. After speaking with me , they seem to have a better idea. This also prompts them to ask "what can I do?" Which allows me to funnel them towards either our charity or one of a number of organizations that are doing great work, but need funds or bodies to carry out their mission. (by the way in case anyone was wondering; that's why I'm writing this blog).
In some cases however, people tend to get that 'poor puppy dog look" in their eyes and that drives me nuts. But alas, its a numbers game; if I can speak to 20 people and have 3 look at me with pity, 3 walk away unaffected - that still leaves me with 14 people that want to help. I like those numbers. Some well meaning people however take it upon themselves to be hands-on in my treatment. I've gotten numerous suggestions to homeopathic remedies, alternative treatment options and things they think will help. In fairness to all of these people; I research out everything people tell me and some things I have either incorporated into my regime and others I have not. One of these helpful-hints arrived at my door the other day in the form of a gift.
Someone who saw our charity and works for a company that specializes in herbal remedies as well as purification systems, sent me a very expensive air purifier as a gift. I was truly touched. The machine was accompanied by a letter telling me that their children were bad asthmatics and after they had gotten the machine in their home, the asthma got much better. So unlike the pills and drinks people have been suggesting to me, I decided to hook the machine up without any research beyond the manufactures site. I mean, with RADs, one of the triggers is allergens - so removing the allergens would be a good thing. I called the person up to offer a heartfelt thank you and they walked me through the set-up process.
I chose the bedroom to set the machine up in. I don't really spend too much time in one particular room of the house, but figure I try to be in bed for at least 8 hours a day, plus I have a hard time sleeping anyway - maybe this will help. Several factors made this air purifier seem like a real good idea, first I live in a building that has been around for a while. Old walls, poor ventilation, drying steam heat. Second, I live by a 'transportation hub' that has the full compliment of cars, busses and trains going by 24 hours a day. All this contributes to a higher than normal levels of dust inside. So I hook this sucker up according to my instructions and feel that I'm doing one more thing to manage this condition.
After the first night I woke up, not having slept any better and my throat was kinda soar, but figured the steam heat was the culprit. Went about my day and attributed the kinda-worse shortness of breath to the drop in temperature. The second morning I woke up, I knew something was wrong. First thing my other-half says to me is "my throat is killing me and I think I'm getting a cold", which may have been the explanation except that not only was my throat killing me - but my lungs were on fire. Every breath I took in burned, I headed straight for the nebulizer and the first few inhalations were excruciating. After a while the nebulizer began to hurt less and I could breathe better, but throughout the day, the burning would return shortly after my treatment. This set me off looking for what this machine was doing that was causing this reaction. (This was the one new variable that was causing discomfort in both people in the house)
So after a quick hit back to the company website to find out the advertised mechanism, I began to learn how these purifiers work. According to the site, the machine works by "combining high intensity UVX light with a specially developed rare metal hydrophilic coating on an engineered matrix, Radiant Catalytic Ionization (RCI) reduces airborne contaminants, and odors while creating super oxide ions and hydro-peroxides. These products of our Advanced Oxidation Process continue working to reduce more odors and VOC's, and to attack micro-organisms." All of this sounds very high tech and wonderful, plus there are loads of testimonials on the site. Now I know, some are reading along shaking their heads - but the kicker to this machine is that I know people who use this exact same machine and swear by it. So its something in the way that this is set up, because my other-half was affected by this as well (meaning its not just me).
So looking deeper into this process, I find that this 'super oxide ion' is ozone which is a toxic gas. Ok all of a sudden this machine seems like a really bad idea. Why would anyone use them? But more realistically, why do people that I know use and love them? So I start to look at differences between these people and me, first thing that jumps out, I have bad lungs. That's primary but not the most important. What is most important is that the people that I know who use these all have actual houses and/or businesses - all places with a lot more spaces than my typical NYC apartment. According to the donor when they walked me through the set-up the machine was set to its 'lowest' setting. This setting is to purify 250 sqft. My bedroom isn't 250 sqft, hell this is NYC - some apartments aren't 250 sqft. So the machine has been shut down.
What I learned from this was simple, I have reached that point where things that seem like a good idea on the basis of 'circumstantial evidence' I'm grasping at in an attempt to get better quicker. In this attempt I may have made things worse. I need to be more careful, my lungs still burn. As for those people reading this because your in a similar situation to myself, or were considering an air purifier, I will pass on the benefit of my research.
There is nothing wrong with these units, many people swear by them - but as the old saying Caveat emptor (let the buyer beware) states, know everything about the machine your purchasing. Space seems to be the primary concern, most of the better units purify areas from 250-3000 sqft. In machines that use any 'ionic technology' the by-product is ozone - and unlike an AC unit, more is not better. They also have machines that do not put out ozone, so maybe look into one of those. Health also plays a consideration, ozone is more likely to bother you if you have reduced lung function - so keep that in mind.