Artists 4 Hope - Personal 9/11 Illness Blog

This supplimental Blog will serve as a journal of 9/11 illness. It will consist of symptoms, trials endured and the thoughts associated with one persons journey. WARNING: THE CONTENT OF THIS BLOG IS ONE PERSONS OPINION, NOT THE OPINIONS OF ARTISTS4HOPE. THE LANGUAGE EXPRESSED IN THIS BLOG MAY NOT BE SUITABLE FOR CHILDREN.

Sunday, January 07, 2007

1/7/07 - Even with warm weather there will be good and bad days

So we have been having the warmest winter in as long as I can remember. This, for some people (like me), is a blessing. For those who adore the 'winter sports' this is probably more like a curse. I know that I have stated on more than one occasion in this blog that the cold weather is very painful and that this stretch that we have been enjoying is so much of a bonus. However, I may have begun to think that as long as it remained warm that I would be alright. This, as it turns out it not the case. I guess if it was, I could just move to Arizona and watch all the NYC sitcoms to feel like I was home.

However for a reason that I cannot explain, it has been a very rough few days. My shortness of breath has increased even in the face of 70 degree weather in January. So I guess that I don't have as much of 'a line' on this as I thought. This may be one of the more frustrating factors of having these problems creep up in your life. Unpredictability. Or maybe its just that I don't want to fully admit or give in to what is happening. However, just when I thought that I was closing in on and narrowing down the factors that aggravate this condition, I get thrown for a loop.

Up until a few days ago when this got a bit worse, I was happily cruising along enjoying the fact that we had turned a corner and that it was being managed to a much better degree. I was able to speak for a longer amount of time without getting short of breath, not getting hoarse towards the end of the day and confining the bad incidents of shortness of breath to times when I exerted myself. Now this didn't make me happy (because of how active I have always been accustomed to being) but in looking back to how bad things were - I was grateful. But then things began to revert back to the way they were. Shortness of breath increased, sometimes for no reason. I have called my doctor and gotten my appointment moved up a week. This was something else that I was grateful for, when this is 'better managed' I can have 'monthly' appointments on a regular schedule. Now that schedule has had to be advanced again.

I know that sooner or later I will have to deal with the cold, and now with this decline for no reason, I'm that much more worried.


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